Preparation for Week 2 Tasks Failed even i sent it

Hi sent to every testnet network, 2ETH, 2BNB and 2 MATIC from my controller adress but my task keep failing it.

Obtain native coins of Goerli, Mumbai and BNB-test chains to prepare for Week 2 Tasks by using faucet services of each blockchain. Then send two native coins of Goerli, Mumbai and BNB-test network to our contracts.

Transfer two native coins

  • Goerli : 0xfd1110b1e2a066170b2207320bd086aeb92d17c4
  • Mumbai : 0xcf423b94237441eae7173bdcf3aea63a72ea431d
  • BNB-Testnet : 0xcbfc84edd13e8d0ed82d01523e85c62ce2c0a6cd

ETH: Goerli Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
MATIC : Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan
BNB : BNB Smart Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | BscScan

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What is your Main wallet address in BIT homepage ?

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Your Main Wallet Address: 0x80574777431d6f578f1dd1db4b30c8a4a159c416

Your Controller Address: 0xd1f4572fb537d1de3722f263844ce2aec6da472e

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you need to send tx with using main wallet not controller wallet

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it is not possible to send with biport wallet. I got same error with all of them.


I think that is biport issue, so i reported to biport team.

in your case, recommend try using metamask.

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i did already use metamask. I sent all assests from metamask but it did not recognize.
Do you mean i should setup biport wallet to metamask?

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ETH: Goerli Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
MATIC : Polygon Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan
BNB : Binance Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | BscScan
above tx was send from metamask ?

check this flow

  1. using metamask
  2. send tx from your main wallet (0x80574777431d6f578f1dd1db4b30c8a4a159c416)
    • above tx is from controller address
  3. then submit task
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Yes it is send from metamask and from controller adress. My friend also did with metamask and controller adress and it is accepted. I dont understand why i have to do like that.

When i installed metamask with mnemonics of Biport wallet. Biport adress changed to 0xd8Fc1556fBec928D2dB47870Bbe3e3fE7BA953F9 from 0x80574777431d6f578f1dd1db4b30c8a4a159c416 ( Main Wallet Address )

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maybe your friend has same main, controller wallet

but you have different address main, controller

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no he has not.

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Hi we checked your Tx that you shared.

If the Controller Address and Main Wallet Address are the same then there is no problem; however, based on your photo your Main Wallet Address and Controller Address are different. Therefore we recommend you to use MetaMask and make transactions using your Controller Address: 0xd1f45…a472e.

For your friend’s situation, we assume that your friend’s controller and main wallet address are the same.

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As you can see from TX. I already did transactions from my controller adress 0xd1f4572fb537d1de3722f263844ce2aec6da472e

Because it didn’t work out i’m trying other ways.

You already have 2 BNB in your main wallet.
Then, you just transfer the 2 BNB from your main wallet. To complete task send BNB to 0xcbfc84edd13e8d0ed82d01523e85c62ce2c0a6cd.
After sending BNB to above address submit the task.

I already sent them all from my controller adress to spesific adresses. Check it out.

ETH: Goerli Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan
MATIC : Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan
BNB : BNB Smart Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | BscScan

You should not from the controller address.

You should send them from the Main Wallet Address.

See the message below sent by @BIFROST-Team
It is needs to be send from controller adress. And i already sent successfully as you can see from TX. But i said before i tried to send from main wallet it did not let me sent. I also already gave detailed answer with screenshots to same answer at above.



Hi we checked your Tx that you shared.

If the Controller Address and Main Wallet Address are the same then there is no problem; however, based on your photo your Main Wallet Address and Controller Address are different. Therefore we recommend you to use MetaMask and make transactions using your Controller Address: 0xd1f45…a472e.

For your friend’s situation, we assume that your friend’s controller and main wallet address are the same.

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I’m the BIFROST Team too. Please try again with my solution.

As you can see above i already tried to send from main wallet. Because my main wallet is biport wallet. It doesnt let me send GOERLI, MATIC TESTNET or BNB TESTNET native tokens. Could you explain wtih details how i will send with main wallet?

it is not possible to send with biport wallet. I got same error with ETH, BNB and MATIC. Try by yourslrf with BIPORT wallet and see the result.

I just check it out BIPORT wallet is updated on 19th of October 2022. And that bug is fixed. Thanks for the fixing the bug @BIFROST-Team @warpdev
Now we can send test tokens from Biport wallet :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: