On Going & Week 1 Tasks

BIT On Going & Week 1 Tasks

On Going and Week 1 Tasks for BIT (BIFROST Incentivized Testnet) are alive.

We will send tokens and coins on daily bases starting from Monday, to Thursday.

BIFROST Forum Week 1

Ongoing Tasks

  1. Full Node Operation
  • Begin and continue operating your full node.
  1. Basic Node Operation
  • Begin and continue operating your basic node.

Week 1 Tasks

  1. Basic Node Increment

    1. Participants have been assigned different dates to turn on their nodes.
    2. When you need to turn on your node, you will receive an email notification from the BIFROST Team. Please turn on the node program on your designated day.
    3. The BIFROST Team will send BFC tokens for self-bonding once you launch the node program.
    4. Begin self-bonding.

    Find more information on our GitBook

  2. Full Node Increment

    1. Participants have been assigned different dates to turn on their nodes.
    2. When you need to turn on your node, you will receive an email notification from the BIFROST Team. Please turn on the node program on your designated day.
    3. The BIFROST Team will send BFC tokens for self-bonding once you launch the node program.
    4. Begin self-bonding.

    Find more information on our GitBook

  3. Preparation for Week 2 Tasks

    Obtain native coins of Goerli, Mumbai and BNB-test chains to prepare for Week 2 Tasks by using faucet services of each blockchain.Then send two native coins of Goerli, Mumbai and BNB-test network to our contracts.

    Transfer two native coins to below contracts

  • Goerli : 0xfd1110b1e2a066170b2207320bd086aeb92d17c4
  • Mumbai : 0xcf423b94237441eae7173bdcf3aea63a72ea431d
  • BNB-Testnet : 0xcbfc84edd13e8d0ed82d01523e85c62ce2c0a6cd
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