Technical Issue Post Format
If you have any technical issues on BIT (BIFROST Incentivized Testnet), please create a post using the below format.
Keep in mind that our team may reply late if you do not follow this format.
π Post Format
Basic Information (Required)
BIT ID and name of the node.
Node type (E.g Full node, Basic node)
Issue type (E.g Node, Relayer, Smart contracts, BIT Tasks)
List of addresses: Tester, Relayer, Controller, Stash, and etc
Description of Technical Issue
Node operating environment (E.g Node version, OS, Hardware, Execution method, your cloud service)
Chain and Tx hash that issue occurred
Detail Information
Current status
Expected result
Provide in steps to reproduce issue.
(Include at least one of the following: logs, picture, links, screenshot, reference.)