Hello, I am not able to find my self in leaderboard and validator list. did I do something wrong?
CLI is saying that I joined the validator list
Joined Validator
controller: 0xBb…Bc1C
stash: 0xc9…218d
relayer: 0x7b…B2ce
self-bond: 1000
Hello, I am not able to find my self in leaderboard and validator list. did I do something wrong?
CLI is saying that I joined the validator list
Joined Validator
controller: 0xBb…Bc1C
stash: 0xc9…218d
relayer: 0x7b…B2ce
self-bond: 1000
I checked that your controller address and stash address have set in reverse. In addition, self-bonding must be run at least 100,000. Please check these two things out.